Our goal: To increase the number of financially-stable families in the Coastal Bend.
Building a strong financial foundation isn’t always easy, but it is possible with the right support. United Way of the Coastal Bend supports programs that help people in crisis secure safe housing and pay essential bills. We also support programs that connect those in need to job training, financial coaching and education. With your support, we can continue to provide our community with pathways to economic mobility and financial stability.
Last year, your donations helped
25,520 people
become more financially stable.
How your donations help
Unless designated to specific agencies, donations made to United Way of the Coastal Bend go into our Community Investment Fund. Grants from this fund are distributed to local programs providing services to improve lives in the areas of education, health and financial stability.
Health programs supported through our Community Investment Fund include:
- Bee County Adult Literacy Council - Literacy
- Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi - Emergency Aid and Supportive Services
- Corpus Christi Hope House - Shelter Programs
- Corpus Christi Literacy Council - Literacy
- Corpus Christi Metro Ministries - Food and Shelter programs
- Goodwill Industries of South Texas - Employment Services
- Kleberg County Adult Literacy Council - Literacy
- Live Oak County Child Welfare Board - Basic Needs
- Salvation Army of the Coastal Bend - Shelter Programs
- San Patricio Adult Literacy Council - Literacy
We employ several strategies to reach our goals and measure outcomes:
Strategy 1
Increase income through job training and placement.
Individuals who completed job training were placed into jobs.
12-month results: 81.38%
Number served: 327
Strategy 2
Support financial literacy.
Individuals completed financial education classes and demonstrated financial capability.
12-month results: 66.14%
Number served: 127
Strategy 3
Increase income through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).
Income tax returns prepared and filed for low- to moderate income taxpayers.
12-month results: 100%
Number served: 1,938
Strategy 4
Connect individuals and families to support services that reduce barriers to achieve financial stability.
Individuals and families received support services toward financial stability.
12-month results: 98.29%
Number served: 23,128
Other Financial Stability initiatives include:
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to those with household income of $66,000 or less, persons with disabilities and limited English-speaking taxpayers. Working with IRS-certified VITA volunteers, taxpayers can avoid fees, claim tax credits they're eligible for and obtain the largest refund possible. Providing these services at no charge allows taxpayers to retain more of their income, which can go toward other expenses that support the Coastal Bend economy.