Life Course Perspective Game facilitation
Success By 6 can facilitate the Life Course Perspective Game for staff/volunteer training and education purposes. The Life Course Perspective Game is an interactive tool that helps increase awareness of and facilitates discussion about the social and biological factors that affect maternal, child, adolescent and family health. To bring this experience to your organization, please contact Sherry Peterson at 361-882-2529, Ext. 121.
Happy Birthday Baby!
Happy Birthday Baby! is a literacy initiative aimed at strengthening parent-child interactions for bonding and early learning. Working in partnership with local hospitals, the initiative provides care bags filled with books, materials and information to families of newborns delivered at that hospital. Click here to learn more.
"Real Talk" Workshop Series
The primary goal of Success By 6 is to ensure every child is safe, healthy and ready for school. Through this lens we provide workshop opportunities for ‘learning conversations’ to strengthen the community’s understanding and knowledge around difficult issues that impact families and children. Click here to learn more.
Tiny Library Project
This project ensures families with children enrolled in one of nine participating child-care programs in at-risk neighborhoods have access to developmentally appropriate books and literacy materials to increase daily reading at home. Families can borrow books and materials from the Tiny Library to read at home and return while child care programs provide incentives for families that read.
Too Small to Fail: Talking is Teaching Campaign
Too Small to Fail is a joint initiative of the Clinton Foundation and The Opportunity Institute. Talking is Teaching is a public awareness and action campaign that promotes the importance of early brain and language development and empowers parents to turn everyday activities into learning opportunities. This campaign provides a highly engaging and easy-to-use set of educational tools for parents, caregivers and educators – emphasizing the importance of talking, reading and singing with young children. Success By 6 distributes these materials to parents, child development centers and home visiting programs. To learn more, visit the Talking is Teaching website or visit our Parent Resources page to download materials and get started today.
Coalition Training and Communication
To facilitate appropriate referrals between organizations, training and panel discussions are provided to share information about community service organizations and early childhood development to coalition members, home visitors, early childhood programs and families. Providers share information on the scope of their services, referral procedures and opportunities to engage families.
Working for Kids: Building Skills™
Working for Kids: Building Skills ™ is a community-based training program that aims to embed young children in a community that is knowledgeable of how early experiences shape brain development. The program achieves this goal by providing the community with methods and resources that help young children develop social-emotional, language and problem-solving skills – skills that predict success in the early years of school and later in life.