Fundraising Through Workplace Campaigns
How They Work
Employers have the opportunity to run a workplace campaign, which gives employees a chance to donate through regular payroll deductions. An amount that's taken out of each paycheck is small enough to not be noticed, yet adds up to a very significant gift that changes our community for the better. An Employee Campaign Leader (ECL) is chosen to plan and execute the campaign, coordinating with HR on payroll deductions and encouraging fellow employees to participate through campaign meetings, special events and more.
Take a look at our Annual Reports for lists of companies that have run a workplace campaign with us in the past five fiscal years as well as the people who donated at the Leadership Giving level in the previous fiscal year.
If you are interested in running a workplace campaign at your business, contact Christy Tupaj at (361) 882-2529, EXT, 125.
Is your company already doing a United Way campaign? Click here to donate.
How We Help Employee Campaign Leaders
Don't feel like you have to figure this out alone. Each ECL works with a member of our Resource Development staff. We have a full team willing and ready to attend and speak at any meetings or special events you may have. In a 1-5 minute presentation, we'll explain what United Way of the Coastal Bend does, how donations are used and their impact on the 60 communities we serve.
We have a Workplace Campaign Toolkit on our website that's ready for ECLs to use. It's equipped with our annual campaign video, logo, success stories, pledge forms, impact card, and more.